Cassie Kohrs

The most wonderful girl in the world

Blog Link

Hey! There's the link to my blog. :) Love you! Cassie


Hey! So I highly doubt I'll get internet access on the 7th (we leave tomorrow for an eight hour train ride to our first city visit. Be jealous. So I don't know what our schedule will look like from here on out, honestly. My team leader said he'll tell us on the train.) but I wanted to wish you a happy six months!! I know these two and a half months away are gonna be hard at times, but I know we can do it. :) I love you, so much. I can't even come up with words to describe what these last six months have meant for me. You are just amazing. I wish I could just like, open up my brain and have you look inside, because I really don't have the words to describe how much I love you, and how much I am so, so thankful for you. I love you. I miss you. I know August will be here before we know it.


Corny? That was probably the most beautiful thing anyone has ever written to me. Ever. It was occurring to me that never once did you use the words "I love you" because you didn't have to! I have never felt so loved. Happy anniversary! :)

Sorry! I got a bit involves with the astronomical data there. 9.80m/s^2 is gravity's acceleration rate. Also, I'm glad you liked it. It took me a so long to finish it because I thought it was somewhat corny, and I kept getting distracted. But anyway, HAPPY ANIVERSARY (belatedly )!

Wow. Your beautiful speech has left me speechless. It also made me cry. My words fail miserably in comparison to yours. I know you worked on that e-mail for awhile, or at least I think you did. But I never imagined, never concieved that I would be receiving words that would put poets to shame. Wow. Just... wow. I love you so much, Aaron Suggs. SO much. Love, Cassie. PS- What was the 9.80 m/s to the power of 2 equation?

To my muse, When you told me that you were going to the Czech Republic, my jaw dropped (figuratively), and my heart sank. It plummeted it out of my body and, intangibly, went right through your bedroom floor. It fell through all three stories of Sutherland hall, and through the ground. Past layers of dirt, and rock, through the calcified remains of beasts long gone, my heart accelerated at 9.80 m/s^2 towards the center of the planet Earth, passed through its molten core, and straight on through to the other side. It soared into the night sky, through all five layers of the atmosphere, flew past the portholes of the international space station, and before an astronaut could tell Houston that it was having a problem, it disappeared into the night sky. My heart is now in deep space, orbiting the planet Neptune, discovering the wonders of the universe. I know that one day it will complete its journey, and return to me, but until then...I wait. A flower in the moonlight, aching for the return of Artemis's godly twin. Did you know that the moon does not emit light, but reflects it from the sun? Cassie, you are my sun, your photos my moon, and your words my stars. And until you return, I will be staring into the heavens. Always yours, Aaron

Life in the US

Hey! I can't wait to see the new place! :) Will you have any roommates? So awesome that you've got a bike now! Maybe we can go riding or something when I get back. I'm getting majorly in shape here (the Czechs walk everywhere, and we have a designated "hike day" at camp-- a day where we spend anywhere from 4-6 hours hiking) and it would be nice to pretend to maintain it at least a little bit. :P That's great that you got to see your grandpa. I love having special relationships with my grandmas. And my grandpa Dan keeps insisting that he gets to meet you. But he lives in Florida........ sooo.... yeah.... It's so weird for me to think that Mitchell graduates next weekend (I think. His graduation party is this upcoming weekend). It's even WEIRDER to think that he starts college in the fall. My poor brain just doesn't even wanna handle that. Oi. I'll be praying as I fall asleep for a wonderful audition!! Your audition will be at about 2am my time. So I will be sound asleep. But I hope it goes well! I'm in Pisek right now, which is kind of my team's "home base" for when we aren't doing city visits or camp. We got to walk around tonight a little bit and saw some suuuuper cute little coffee shops, and some beautiful old buildings/churches/etc. I absolutely love it here. By the way... my Mom said she might e-mail you about coming down to visit the weekend I get back in August (I fly back on August 9th). So watch for that, I guess, if you haven't gotten it already. :) Love you! Cassie

Happy Father's Day?

Hey, Just wanted to update you on things that were happening with me! I just signed my lease, but its not the one I told you about. Its at 328 chippwea, down by water street. Its a really nice place, the exterior is really pretty. Also, my room has its own bathroom! Its not as close to you as I would have liked, but its still really close to lower campus, so that's nice. Recently bought a bike. Its red. My sister just graduated from High School !!!!! I went home for a couple days, so that I could celebrate with them. We had a nice little get together, and i saw my grandpa for the first time in 2-3 years ? I really missed him :) And finally, I have an audition today! Its for Beowulf; I can't remember if I told you about it or not. Its just cold readings, so i didn't memorize anything. I don't even now what roles there are, I would just be happy to be in it. And there's stage combat, which i've always wanted to do ! I'm quite excited . And that's at 7, so wish me luck! I hope Europe is as fun as it sounds, Aaron Sugs

Hahaha, the 4th was an interesting day here. My team leader was always in charge of leading the prayer (which was usually just set to some silly song) tried to make the 4th fun. He told the kids that whoever could either 1. Find the best American outfit and wear it to the evening program or 2. Memorize and recite the American national anthem would receive a prize. one did. However, the anthem talk got the kids to basically start singing the Czech national anthem. :P And then there's this guy here named Bill. He's about 60 I'd guess, and he's English (through and through) but he'll be moving here to Czech soon. He's commonly heard asking "where's me mug?" in a very British accent. When the Czech anthem was done, he got up and started to sing his own, got about one line in, everyone laughed (including him) and he sat down. So that's really all I did to celebrate. One of my teammates, Melanie, when she was here last year bought obnoxious American flag leggings. Like one is stars and blue and the other is red and white stripes. She wore them all day. She calls them her "flaggings." So that was pretty great. YAY for no more spotty internet! The kids I'm working with are all about 14-16ish. I think the kids in my class specifically were 14 or 15, but some other classes had other kids who were a little older. So like, freshman in high school. Ahh the awkward years of life. ;) Love you and miss you! Cassie

Hi! After reporting to Sacred Heart's urgent care department, and after various awkward X-rays ( apparently my forearm is really long ), it was discovered that I have a seriously minor shoulder sprain. I didn't even receive some type of brace. So I'm fine, and i'm not even in pain anymore, not that I really was to begin with. Independence Day was a lot of fun. Hung out with some of my friends, returned a runaway toddler to his father. Had some Dairy Queen. It was a good time. What did you do? My internet was upgraded today, so no more spotty connections! I'm glad your students/campers are being very receptive, and engaged. I think you would make a great teacher! I've always wanted to teach, but not little kids. I think the youngest I could do would be 7th grade. How old are the kids you're working with? Continue to have fun! Love, Aaron

Good. Helmets are good. Safety is good. And since I think the freak-out message interrupted your noticing my other message, I'll just rewrite it here (and by rewrite, I mean copy/paste :P ) Hey! Uhhh...... I am literally the worst ever at coming up with discussion things. Ask my mom. Whenever she drives me home from EC she's like "tell me things." That's all I get. Not even joking. And I can't ever come up with anything. So I ask her to get more specific. So, if you have a topic of discussion that you want, I'd be willing to go with that. :) I'd tell you all about my first day of teaching, but I know I'll be blogging about it in a few minutes, so I don't want you to have to read anything twice. :P Love you! Cassie

Oh yeah, sorry! I'm fine. I mean, I "sprained" my shoulder, but I don't even need a brace or anything. Honestly, I forgot about it when I'm busy, so don't worry. I'm not perfectly healthy at the moment, but its not as bad as it could have been. I'll be at 99% by the end of the week. But before then, i'll probably by a helmet.

Are you okay? ....I figured I'd do that here, and not all over Facebook. But seriously... are you okay?!? Camp is still great. We played a game of capture the flag... on a mountain side. No big deal. Lots of tumbles there too (not nearly as dramatic) because the grass was really long, and the ground was super uneven. Please be okay. And safe. I love you!! Cassie

Hi Dear!, You are always telling me things in your email about yourself, and I found out a lot by reading your blog. Is there anything you want me to tell you about? Or a topic we could discuss. It would help me with replying to emails even faster! Love, Aaron

Dear Aaron, That's probably the shortest message I've ever received from anyone, but I like it. Short, but concise. Love you back, Cassie

Dear Cassie,

Aaron Suggs

Haha no worries. :) We got wifi back! On the last day of our visit there.... :P Things that are new: I had Indian food for the first time ever. I liked it! I played it pretty safe, though. Cause I didn't wanna get something adventurous, not like it, and be hungry for the rest of the night. BUT, my Uncle Dave's wife, Amita is Indian. And the two of them have been taking lessons from (I think) Amita's sister on how to make Indian food. So when I get back, I told Amita she has to make me real Indian food. Not like... Czech's version of Indian food. :P Also that night I had white chocolate ice cream. Wonderful decision. We're now doing a homestay in the last city we'll do camps with, Kutna Hora. The girl from the youth group is also a huge fan of Amazing Race AND Survivor. I didn't know fans of Survivor still existed outside of my immediate family. I felt a little bad for Melanie, because Eliska (pronounced A-lee-shka... the s should have an accent over it. But I don't know how to do those) and I were geeking out together. But Melanie just made fun of us, so I think she's ok. ;) It's a super quick homestay. Normally, we're doing school visits (to promote the camps) when we're here, but one of the JV staff had done them awhile ago, so we're just doing a one-day thing, really. We got here this afternoon, and we leave tomorrow afternoon for.... TRAINING FOR THE FIRST WEEK OF CAMP. Holy cow, I cannot believe it's already here. Camp starts in SIX days. I will be teaching English for the first time ever in SIX days. AHHHH!!!!!! I hope you've bee doing well!! Love you!!! Cassie

Sorry it took me so long to reply, I thought this was the email from friday. Yeah, I think that for me, the problem is that I'm starting a completely new project, while touring theatre is already a thing. Good luck finding wifi and "cool" places! Love, Aaron

I've heard of Jennifer Lange. I don't know that I've ever actually been introduced, or seen her though, to be honest. I have to do service learning tooooo.... Sarah McCarthy had done a bunch of stuff with the Children's Theatre when she was at UWEC, and she said she could just use that, so I think that's what I'm going to do. Although, I am still holding out to see if I can maybe get cast in the touring show, because JChap has said that counts for the entire service learning. But it's good for me to know that I'll have to jump through lots of hoops. Life here in Czech is still great. Currently my team is at our "home base" where we live with another intern team. And the guys on that team thought it was ludicrous that the girls hadn't seen "Hot Rod" so Jeremy (one of the guys on my team) went next door for some consistent wifi (the wifi at the church we're staying in doesn't work, and none of the church leaders know why. So if we want wifi we either have to get as close to the building next door as we can [i sat in the window sill yesterday], go next door, or find some other coffee shop out on the square) so he could download it faster. It was.... interesting. Basically it was as I thought it would be. Actually, I think I'd maybe seen the first part of it, but I never saw it all the way through. A lot of rather dumb guy humor. But it was "bonding" I guess. :P It's been so hot here that the only place that feels chilly is the gym/the balcony of the gym (where we put our laundry to dry). So we dragged our mattresses in there and sat up with pillows and things to watch the movie in some chilly splendor, away from the heat and humidity that exists everywhere else in this building. Love you! Cassie

I'm glad you liked the subject line (hehehe) Jared is going to be Beowulf again. Do you know Jennifer Lange? You'd probably recognize her if you saw her. Also, I'm gonna make Reed my mentor for service learning, i'm pretty sure that this will work. I just looked up how to make a project proposal, and there are so many steps ! Its kinda annoying, but necessary i guess. I've been going to the movies alot lately, but i ususally get there when no movies are showing, so i have to wait 30-45 mins. Hence, savers. I usually get a few books. last time i bought an electric sharpener, a fan, and a tie for work. Miss you too! Aaron

Ahahahaha, I saw the subject line and I was really confused. Yes, I guess it is a holiday. Nice! When does it perform, do you know? (I would hope that you do, lol). Is Jared Beowolf again? Crazy that Reed lives so close! Glad you're getting along with the new roomie. I just got back from a city visit that lasted four days. It was super cool, but very different from our last visit. The last city we visited was a bunch of super organized people; this group really didn't know what to do with us when we weren't visiting schools, or hanging out with a youth group. There was a kid there (he was 18) who came up with some.... games. I guess that's the best word for it. But they didn't translate very well into English, and even the other members of the Czech team were looking at him like "really?" but none of us had anything better to do, so... It was so. hot. there. SO hot. What do you get at Savers? Or is it just a nice bike ride? Miss you! Cassie

I know it isn't a holiday that really "applies" to out particular situation, but is is a holiday :) Just a few updates: I got a part!!!! You may know refer to me as WULFGAR: herald to Lord Hrothgar. Its a fun time, and Jared and Tabitha are in it too, so that's nice. I've been riding my bike for the past two weeks now, and i'm starting to get used to it. I was exploring my neighborhood, and I found Reed's house! Its strange to think that he lives about two blocks away from me. My new roomate is pretty cool. A bit more talkative than Joey, which is nice, although he's not around that much. Been keeping, busy reading a lot of books, biking to Saver's on a regular basis. I've started to learn how to write code, which is pretty cool. All in all, its been a pretty relaxed summer. I still miss you, but i'm dealing with it. Really don't know what to put as my salutations, Aaron


*facepalm* *busts out laughing* Yes. Yes, that means we purple. Cassie Kohrs

Sooo... does that mean that we purple?

Bahhhhh. I think it a sign of how much I miss you that every time I read e-mails like that from you, I almost start crying. So purpling. Not a phrase I guess people know unless they've been on numerous church retreats. Boys are blue. Girls are pink/red (I've heard both). If you put them together... you get purple. It's usually a rule put in place to make sure boys and girls stay in rooms that belong to their own gender, and also to keep making out from happening. And sometimes, it turns into a verb: purpling. :D I am back at the first hotel that I was at for intern training. It was a very long day of travel. But a shower and real food have brought out the human in me. :P Love you and miss you!!! Cassie

Hey right back at you! I'm glad one of us is one the ball, because I totally forgot today was the 7th. But since it is our golden anniversary, I thought I would share my favorite things about you: You make me smile ,and even better, you make me laugh Your face when I do something bizarre; its the cutest thing I've ever seen You always know how to put the Beebe in its place You are literally the least racially conscious person I've ever met, and i'm including myself in that number But most importantly: The effort you put into our relationship. it makes me feel loved, and cherished. And even though I'm falling asleep while reading this, its is obvious how much you love, just from your words. Until I see you again, Aaron PS: what in the world is "purpling"

Sooo we get to celebrate seven months on the seventh day of the seventh month. How lucky are we? :P But seriously... I miss you so much. I've been around a lot of married couples... and even around some campers that were dating (and sort of breaking the "no purpling" rule)... and it makes me miss you when I see that. Knowing that I get to come home to you (and my family) will making leave this place I've come to love easier. I was thinking about it.... we've spent 3 of the first 7 months of our relationship in long-distance mode. I don't know many other couples that would have lasted that way. I am so fortunate to have your support for me while I'm out here. How is your show going? Have rehearsals started yet? When does it open? We're headed back to the first hotel where we did intern training (after the Amazing Race) to do our second term (second week) camp training. We'll have about 24 hours to rest before the US team we'll be working with arrives. And I'll get to see other teams that I haven't seen in for like a month. So I'm super excited for all of that to happen! I love you, and I miss you. Two more days until one more month until I get to see you again!! Cassie


My intern team leader would agree with you. Jeremy HATES kids. We keep asking him "what about your own?" (if he has them one day, who knows) and I think he just gives us some sarcastic comment back. But Jeremy reeally doesn't like kids. So if you're off book by the 26th, when is the show? Will I be back in the States for it? At first, I thought the 26th meant of August, and I was thinking "Wow, that's a long process" but then I realized we're still in July. Days, weeks, hours.... time in general means very little out here. I only can really process what day it is when I get on my computer, but the date itself doesn't feel real. The internship has moved so fast, it's crazy. Our second camp starts today! :) The US church team we're working with is from Arizona, and they are wonderful. They're all big card players, which has been so much fun for me. On this trip, I've been realizing what it means to be extroverted. I always knew that I was, but it wasn't til out here that I fully realized what it means to be extroverted, specifically, meaning that I find rest with people. I find rest in playing cards. And I'm on a team of ALL introverts. So having some extroverts, or at the very least, card players around has been very good for me. I love you!!! Cassie

Yeah, definitely not a permanent change. Although ,I may wear them occasionally for other things. Show's going really well! We're off book on the the 26th, but I have most of my lines memorized, so not a problem. What I don't like is working with children... Hope your enjoying yourself, Aaron

Aha, so it's not going to be a permanent change then. ;) How's the show going? :) When does it open? The cow game is wonderful. There were a few guys from my team who looked like they were never going to crack, but then I started quoting ridiculous lines from Hot Rod (a movie they all loved, and I thought was just stupid) and it didn't take too long after that. :D Love you and miss you right back!! Cassie

They're for the show... I think it would be bad to sword-fight blind. By the way, I'm glad you are having so much fun at camp. I've played the "dead cow" game for homecoming once with the players. We won. Love and miss you every day, Aaron

Hahahaha Sometimes, yes. I had a first this summer with mine-- I was getting out a new pair, and ended up putting the left contact into my right eye, and vice versa. I could still see, but I could tell something was up with my vision. So I switched them around... problem solved. Why are you wearing contacts? Cassie

Hey, Contacts suck. Love, Aaron

Bee Stings

Me? Antagonize bees? C'mon. I was outside with my English class, and I didn't even see the bee! It must've been on the ground (almost dead, would be my guess) and I think I came close to stepping on it. It stung the side of my left foot. Essentially.... not an experience I'd care to repeat. But, I did find out that I'm probably not allergic to bee stings. So yay. :P Love you! Cassie

HEY YOU! STOP ANTAGONIZING BEES! I want you back in one piece, and I don't want that piece to be all puffy and red. Love, Aaron PS: :P

Hey. :)

Hey! You came up in conversation today, which made me miss you. And I wanted to send even just a little note to remind you that I love you. Actually, that conversation was kind of funny. I mentioned in passing that I had a boyfriend in a conversation with my "Weekly Intern Checkup" leader. She's the intern leader of another team (the one we lived with in June). And she was like "WHAT?! You have a boyfriend?! How did I not know this? I would have been asking about this all summer!" This basically lead into a long discussion about how we got together, and just everything else about our relationship. She can totally relate to you; she and her (now) husband Tyler (the two of them are leading the team together) had dated for only a month when Tyler came out to intern a few years ago. So she knows how you feel, being back home while I'm out here. I love you, and miss you! I can't wait to see you again! Only 2 1/2 weeks now. :) Cassie

The Great Gatsby

I went through so many different reactions as I went through this e-mail. "awww" then I laughed, then I laughed even harder: Boyfriend? That's how you sign an e-mail?! :P Yeah, I did see it. Although, I did miss like the first ten minutes of it. We had to walk back from the train station the day we had our girls day, and that was like a suuuper long walk. And we got back later than we were anticipating. So, as I said, I missed like the first ten minutes, but no big deal. One of the girls had seen it back in the States, I think, so she told us what the opening scene looked like. Yep, it was in English with Czech subtitles-- which were super distracting. When I didn't fully understand something an actor had said. I would glance down at them, and then think "why did I do that? I can't read those." So I had to sort of concentrate on the center of the screen, which was weird... I guess I normally focus on the bottom? I feel the same way any time I see a couple interacting around me. At this camp, the Czech team is made up of a lot of married or dating couples. Ugh. Makes me miss you a lot. Only 12 days! Camp 3 has been going super great!!!! Love you! Cassie

Hello Dear, Just went to go see "the Great Gatsby" at the budget with Nicolai and company, and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. Dicarpario did an AMAZING job as Gatsby, and everyone else was really well cast. I think I remember you telling me you went to see it there, with subtitles? I can't seem to find that particular email. But it is terrible when you are missing the one you love. Every time Gatsby and Daisy would steal a glance at each other, I felt a small, dulll pain in my heart. Every embrace felt as if my insides were being squeezed , and every kiss... torture. Also, Tobey Maquire sucks, See you soon, Boyfriend

Coldest Summer Ever

Hey! The weather here is pretty typical of summer weather we might see in Wisconsin. It sometimes gets uncomfortably warm, and then it will storm and cool off again to a reasonable temperature. There's really only been two times it was strange. The first was in June, when we were in Pisek-- the temps were outrageous, and the humidity was disgusting. Coupled with the fact that no buildings here have AC, the living conditions made us want to just sleep or stay stationary, because moving and living and all that was miserable. But then it rained and it got better. The other exception was at our first camp. We were something like 1400 km up (the tallest mountain is 1600km to give you reference), and we were stuck in a cloud all week. It was foggy, and it was COLD. And that building had to be heated manually. So the first 24 hours we were there, the building was still being warmed up, and it was soooo cold. I had to sleep with my sweatshirt on, and I was still shivering. But other than that, the weather has been fine. I will do my best to come see the show. I really do want to be there. If I can convince my Mom to let me borrow the car, you know I will be. I want to see you sword fight! :D But then I will get jealous that I didn't get to.... but I will still love the fact that you get to. It's crazy to me that it's already the first of August. When days and hours and weeks stop having general meaning, seeing an actual date can be unsettling. And when that date is August 1st, and you know that you only have a week left in the country you've lived in for the past two months... it's a very strange feeling. I'm SO looking forward to seeing you, and my family again. But it will be hard to leave all the people I've come to know and love here. I love you, and I can't wait to see you when I get home!!!! Cassie

Hey, What's the weather like over there? Over here, it has been been cold and rainy for the past week and a half. It's like we live in Denmark. Rehearsal is going pretty well; we have started bringing the fights up to speed, which is exciting. By the way, the show is the weekend after you get back, so I expect you to be there! I can't believe I get to see you again in NINE DAYS ! Sayonara, Your cutie pie

The Movies

Sorry to hear that work was stressful, but I'm glad your day turned around. :) I haven't even heard of "The Heat." Guess that goes to show just how long I've been outside the US. :P I'm in Prague now. It's crazy. There's really no denying at this point that debrief is upon us, and that I leave here in 4 days. We saw the Charles Bridge last night. Wow. So pretty. It's basically a suuuuper long bridge with different sculptures along the way depicting lots of different things. Some are of Jesus. Some are of different saints. The view along the river is beautiful. And the clouds were doing some pretty things last night when we were there, so the sky was amazing as well. I can't wait to see you again!!!! Not much longer now! Love you! Cassie

I went to the movies today, after picking up a coworkers shift. It was a really stressful day, because we have two dollar pints, which apparently drives people insane. Anyhoo, I went to go see "The Heat" with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. I really enjoyed it, and they did a very good job together. Afterwards, as I was dumping out my popcorn bucket, I realized that the people that I was sitting next to were Tyler and Abby! Which was nice, and then we went to Dickie's. Love, Aaron